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Safety & Security
Front door security is crucial for your property and your family’s security. But it’s often overlooked that it must b our top priority.
According to survey reports, 34% of burglar break-ins occur because of weak front door security.
Therefore, we have put together a detailed guide and essential tips for improving your front door security. But first, let’s understand why thieves consider the front door their favorite entry point.
The front door is the first barrier to break in in any place. No doubt, the security of a complete house is essential, but a secure entrance minimizes the risk of intrusions by almost 50%. This is why we must pay more attention to front door security by installing surveillance cameras, video surveillance systems, home security camera systems, and more.
High-security doors are positioned everywhere, from domestic spaces to offices, premises, and common entrances. It provides an even higher level of security designed to keep uninvited guests out and keep people inside safe. This blog reveals some of the benefits of installing high-security doors that provide a high level of security.
When you start talking to someone about security doors, they often instantaneously consider thick steel doors with locks that won’t break. However, modern security doors are not like that, and there are various options on the market, such as louvered doors, reinforced hammer glass doors, and classic metal doors. Also, each style has different benefits. The most important thing is to consider searching “locksmith near me” so you can find a reliable service who are locally operating. Because security matters a lot, you cannot hand over your home’s security installation to anyone.
Front door security is generally the most important thing, but the back door is often where somebody tries to enter. Safety is the number one concern for most homeowners when choosing a front or back door. The material chosen for the door affects this, and aluminum and composites are often recognized as the safest option. You must also ensure your doors are safe by using a sound locking system and extra features such as visors and door chains.
After choosing a perfect security system according to your budget and needs, it’s time to search a trusted Locksmith Services in Van Nuys, CA, like Prime Locksmith.
As mentioned above, security doors aren’t just for high-security banks and agencies anymore. Security doors are common not only in modern residential and office spaces but also in shared spaces and premises.
Steel security doors are usually associated with public or commercial real estate, but many homeowners are now choosing to install steel entrance doors for a high degree of security. In addition, some steel armored doors not only retard the spread of fire and smoke and provide excellent sound insulation but also have a high thermal efficiency of fire resistance.
Strengthen the frame of doors
Regardless of the type of silk plate installed, kicking the door consistently and forcefully can damage the door frame. This is because the strike plate’s frame is typically 1 inch thick.
This is why the door frame must be reinforced to withstand heavy intrusions. The best way to strengthen the frame is to add a layer of steel to prevent the frame from tearing. This will be your football-proof goal.
Installation requires placing heavy gauge steel on the door side posts and fastening with long screws. The screws should go into the wall posts on all sides of the door. This is enough to strengthen the door-side posts.
The entire door frame can also be replaced with a steel door frame and fixed with metal wall posts.
Strengthening glass surfaces of doors
We interact with the glass every day, see it through, then drink, and it helps us see clearly. However, not all glasses are created equal. Glass can be modified to improve quality, allowing it to be used in applications where safety concerns may arise.
This modification procedure is called the tempering of the glass. The tempering is obtained through a thermal process. The chemical improvement is attained through the exchange path.
The glass is exposed to very high temperatures in the heat quenching process and then cooled rapidly. During chemical reinforcement, chemicals used on the glass change the surface and cause compression.
Surveillance cameras
Placing a CCTV camera outside your property can also deter thieves from trying to enter your property. If they could have been filmed, they would likely move forward. Also, you are more likely to bring a criminal to justice if you are robbed.
In addition to fingerprint-enabled doors and eye detectors, basic alarms and CCTV cameras are excellent home security systems that everyone should consider. Looking at them clearly, the house is fully secured and will give the impression that anyone inside knows who they are trying to invade.
Video surveillance systems
A digital video surveillance system is a system that can capture videos and images that can be stored, compressed, or transmitted over a communication network. These systems can be used in almost any environment.
The primary difference between analog and digital video surveillance systems is that digital video surveillance systems can capture and store video signals in digital format. The data is captured on digital media, eliminating the need for conversion. Most digital video surveillance solutions can be managed from anywhere and provide interoperability. The cameras are networked, and the footage is stored digitally. This is considered cost-effective for many businesses.
Cutting-edge video surveillance systems have many extra features, for example, integration with remote access apps and access to control systems.
Home security camera systems
A new home must have some form of security, whether a basic DIY system or one with professional monitoring and home automation capabilities. Today, there are many home security options for every budget and level of protection.
To choose a comfortable system, experts recommend assessing the needs of your neighborhood and home. Once you know the potential risks, evaluate your home and find out what you need to do to protect it.
You can contact your local police for crime statistics in your neighborhood and help them make a home security assessment of your home.
Front door security screen
Whether it’s a new home just built or an old home that has just been refurbished, doors and windows with safety mosquito nets are essential to the safety of your home. These screens help stop thieves and intruders by blocking them while you’re away from home.
If you have a home security system with an alarm in your house, the screen door will be used as a detector. This detector detects what looks like thieves, intruders, and even small animals. When the screen door detects an intruder, an alarm will notify you.
The screen doors are essential for installing them with the front door. Screen doors help keep criminals out. There are different types of security systems, all with screens. Some screens may have different features, and some perform better than others. Make sure to seek professional help during installation.
Front door security lock / front door high-security locks
When it comes to door security, it’s best to start by installing a lock. Deadbolts are one of the most effective options as they are only open with the rotate key. The standard lock is attached to the spring mechanism, which makes it more resistant to forces. If the door exceeds 44 mm, a 5-lever Mortis lock can be installed. For backdoors, we recommend installing a 2-volt 5-lever lock in the center of the door. It can also be integrated with bolts to rack the top and bottom of the door.
Front door security camera
Thieves don’t stop at anything to catch your valuables, but perhaps security cameras are staring at their faces. Install an outdoor security camera near the entrance of the house. When an intruder approaches, you can monitor it in real-time on a connected monitor, view the recorded footage, and send it to your local law enforcement agency when needed.
Front door security gate
Security gates can be placed at possible entrances to the house to prevent intruders from entering. Driveway safety gates are an excellent safety solution for creating the first protective barrier. Driveway safety gates are designed to make climbing as bulky as possible. Simply installing a secure driveway gate on the road will stop the intruder.
Steel doors (if correctly constructed and professionally installed) are considered the most effective security doors by industry experts. Steel units are stronger than wooden or fiberglass doors and will not break or warp. Aluminum is less corrosive than steel.
• Strengthen the deadbolt attachment plate
• Install high-quality and sturdy deadbolts
• Strengthen the hinges and door frame
• Use keyless lock
• Add a horizontal safety bar
• Install the base plate block
• Protect the door window with safety film or grill
• Get a video doorbell or security camera
• Use the motion sensor light
By reinforcing the weak spot on the door, the sturdy strike plate and long screws give the armpits the additional strength needed to withstand thieves trying to break the door.
Steel doors provide maximum security and avoid problems such as deformation, expansions, and sturdiness. Steel doors build with the right strategy to keep away intruders and keep your place safe and secure.
Due to the variety of variables, it is not easy to evaluate a bespoke product. But generally speaking, in 2021, it was calculated the average budget for front door security was between $1000 to $1400. However, this amount varies with the choice of products.
Yes, deadbolts are the safest because they need to be engaged when closing the door. The deadbolt has its locking device that cannot be pushed into the door, preventing unwanted entry.
Security Door Bar is a basic level of security to protect your home. These are especially useful for protecting "forced" type entrances to common doors. Door bars are also essential for weak patio doors, as they are usually the most vulnerable doors in a house.
Yes, these jammers work perfectly. Door jammers are some of the most effective security devices and are an excellent option for anyone looking for an easy way to improve door security. It is also beneficial for travelers and renters who are not allowed to change their door locks permanently.
First, install a steel door and add security cameras and door jammers. If the door opens, stack desks or set up a table to create a wall that prevents intruders from looking into the room when the door opens. If the door opens, push heavy furniture, place a chair under the handle, or use a door jam.
Shielding your home from burglars has constantly been a top priority. No one knows when a potential thief will intrude on your home as an easy target. Buying most of the door security bars can guarantee that an intruder will fail.
Security door bars are available in various materials such as steel, aluminum, iron, and plastic. Steel and aluminum door bars provide a lot of strength and can withstand considerable force, such as when a thief tries to kick the door. Iron bars can withstand pressure, but not so much.
Installation is easy and quick. Slide the DoorJammer firmly under the door and press it under the handle or where the handle is. Then turn the screw clockwise to stabilize it; no need to overtighten and the installation is complete. To remove it, loosen the screw and pull up the handle to pull it out.
The door bar is located in the door passage and acts as a passage between the wooden floor and the floor of the next room. It covers the space left between a wooden floor and an adjacent floor, for example, tiles or carpets. You can choose the style of the door bar according to your needs.
The weight supported by the pull-up bar on the door frame depends primarily on the design and quality of the product. However, most door frame pull-up bars have a weight limit of 220 pounds. The pull-up bar on the door frame may not be the most recommended exercise equipment if you weigh more.
Are you still relying on the lock at the front door when you moved to your home? Simple locks may seem like an old friend, but they may not. Nearly 3 million US homes are destroyed each year. Not all intrusions can be prevented, but external locks and bolts are the most critical lines of defense.
Today’s locks offer much better protection. However, choosing a suitable lock set can be very confusing. You can find lot more options, but before choosing a perfect security system and Locksmith Services in Van Nuys CA, always seek a professional company like Prime Locksmith.
When choosing the best home security solution for your home or family, the most important decision is often the person who decides to install a security system. Often, there are too many security advisors to accompany you to your home and help you design a proper home security system. Homeowners order the system over the phone and don’t understand what all the options are. When protecting your family, we understand that our customers want a professionally installed, reliable, and uncompromising home security system.
A secure front door does not just mean using sturdy materials and security locks. Use other security measures such as security cameras and motion sensors to prevent potential thieves from concentrating on your home.
Fortunately, we have the right solution to ensure a secure backdoor and front door. Combined with a solid front door, this makes your home much less vulnerable to intrusion. Using years of independent experience, research, and testing, we offer locksmith services f perfect installers and engineers.
Schedule a meeting today if you need a 24 hour locksmith service to get professional help and the best security options to enhance the security of your home. Our dedicated team is offering 24 hour locksmith services to give you peace of mind.
We are a full-service professional locksmith company with more than 17 years of experience. We use reliable and proven technology while keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and advances.